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        New Powder Version​

BiostimulantFertilizerSoil ConditionerProtector

Why Master powder? 

  • Promotes soil biological and enzymatic activity;
  • Increases the amount of phosphorus and potassium available to plants;
  • Increases N reserves in soil;
  • Promotes plant growth and accordingly, better resistance to stress;
  • Improves soil structure.
  • 24-month shelf-life.
  • Easier handling than a liquid equivalent.

Operating principle: 

The product contains a complex of bacteria that exudes biologically active substances, vitamins, enzymes, plant hormones that promote plant development and secrete micro and macro elements that are especially needed by plants. Improving the physical and chemical properties of the soil and the uptake of nutrients by plants. Its action begins immediately after contact with the soil or parts of the plant and acts under favorable physiological conditions for up to 8 weeks.

Packaging:  5Kg

Product Information

Safety Data Sheet